Проверенная OEM маска для лица с черным бамбуковым углем и коллагеновым кристаллом для удаления угревой сыпи


Проверенная OEM маска для лица с черным бамбуковым углем и коллагеновым кристаллом для удаления угревой сыпи

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Bamboo charcoal Crystal Jelly mask is a mask product that combines deep cleansing and skin care effects.By adding bamboo charcoal ingredients, this mask can absorb impurities and dirt on the surface of the skin, while providing moisturizing and nourishing, giving the skin a new look

Characteristics of bamboo charcoal crystal jelly mask

Deep cleansing: Bamboo charcoal is a natural material with strong adsorption power, which can effectively absorb oil, dirt and other impurities in pores, helping to deeply cleanse the skin and purify pores.

Oil control and balance: Bamboo charcoal has the effect of regulating sebum secretion, can absorb excess oil, help balance skin oil and water secretion, reduce oily problems, and improve skin conditions such as acne and acne.

Moisturizing and nourishing: Although bamboo charcoal has an adsorption effect, the formula of bamboo charcoal crystal jelly mask usually also contains moisturizing and moisturizing ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and plant extracts, to ensure that the skin is deeply cleansed while being fully nourished and moisturized.

Refreshing and comfortable: The texture of bamboo charcoal crystal jelly mask is usually refreshing and light, which brings a cool feeling to the skin when used and makes the skin feel comfortable and happy.

The benefits of bamboo charcoal crystal jelly mask for the skin

Deep cleansing: Bamboo charcoal can absorb oil, dirt and impurities in pores, effectively clean pores, reduce the production of blackheads and acne, and make the skin more refreshing and bright.

Oil control balance: Bamboo charcoal has the effect of regulating sebum secretion, which can reduce the accumulation of oil on the surface of the skin, balance oil and water secretion, and improve oily and mixed skin problems.

Moisturizing and moisturizing: The moisturizing ingredients in the bamboo charcoal crystal jelly mask can provide the moisture and nutrients needed by the skin, maintain the skin's water and oil balance, and make the skin full of vitality.

Purify pores: The adsorption capacity of bamboo charcoal can remove dirt and harmful substances from pores, astringent pores, reduce the problem of enlarged pores, and make the skin more delicate

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